Copywriting tools

22 Copywriting Tools That Will Make You a Better Writer

Reading Time: 10 minutes

Persuasive writing in a variety of formats is used by marketers to drive conversions. Copywriting is also used in email marketing and when creating engaging social media posts. A variety of copywriting tools are available to assist you in finding inspiration for your ad copy, supporting your creative writing process, and validating the advertising copy you create.

We tested some of the most popular copywriting tools to see exactly what they can do, and find out which tools are the best. Copywriting is an art form that we all use every day, whether it’s for UX, marketing, or anything digital really. Copywriting often feels like a struggle, so a lot of us are always on the hunt for tools that’ll make it even just a little bit easier. Here are some copywriting tools you should start using right now!

The Copywriting Tools That Will Make You a Better Writer


Copywriting Tools - Copywritely

Copywritely is an SEO content analysis software, but it also has many features that are useful for writing any type of copy. Their paraphrasing tool detects problems and assists you in rewriting sentences, and their grammar checker highlights grammatical errors. Finally, you can enter your copy into the word counter to see how many words you’ve written and calculate your word frequency.

Facebook Ads Library

copywriting tools - Facebook
  • The Facebook Ads Library is an online archive of adverts that have previously run on the Facebook social media platform.
  • Key characteristics include: Collecting inspiration and competitive insights is a critical step in the copywriting process.
  • Marketers can search for advertisements in the Facebook Ads Library by keyword or advertiser name.
  • This makes it simple to locate previous advertising data on your competitors, allowing you to analyze their messaging and observe how they advertise a product similar to yours using copywriting.
  • Steps to Get Started: The Facebook Ads Library is free to use; simply click the link above to begin looking for ideas or analyzing the competition.

Word Counter

Copywriting Tools - Word Counter

Check out if you want a quick and easy tool to check your character and word count. It will not only show you the current counts, but also how you fit within the character limits of popular sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google. All while double-checking your spelling and grammar. Oh, and did we mention it’s totally free?


copywriting tools - SpyFu

SpyFu is a competitive analysis tool created specifically for digital marketers.

The following are important characteristics: Enter any domain into the SpyFu search field to discover the best-performing content on their website, as well as a complete history of Google search network advertisements they’ve run. SpyFu makes it simple to learn how other businesses in your industry utilize copywriting to create effective ads and website content.

How to Begin: The free SpyFu edition allows marketers to access limited data. A 12-month subscription costs $33 per month.


Copywriting Tools - Verbix

We highly suggest Verbix first and foremost for those of you who write copy in multiple languages and, on occasion, mix them up. Verbix has been serving writers for over 20 years, offering free services to encourage students to learn new languages. This tool will assist you with verb conjugation so that your writing is always correct, regardless of the language you use. It is available in a wide variety of languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, and Japanese.


copywriting tools -semrush

SEMrush is a market leader in search engine marketing software tools. Marketers can utilize their Advertising Toolkit to obtain extensive display advertising information for any brand or competitor of their choice.

Key Features: By entering any URL, marketers can obtain audience targeting data by demographics and interests, as well as images of previous text and display ads.

How to Get Started: SEMrush offers a free trial with limited access to tools and data for new users.

Cliché Finder

Copywriting Tools - Cliche Finder

Copywriting can be difficult, and we are all guilty of using clichés from time to time. That’s fine, but there is a tool available to assist you. Cliché Finder will highlight overused and tired expressions in your writing so you can replace them. Simply copy and paste your text and then click the button below. The only thing to remember is that they have a 10,000-character limit.

Words To Use

Copywriting Tools

Amy Morse created this tool in response to popular demand from her copywriter friends, and it has since become a useful tool for anyone who writes. Words To Use, like the majority of the tools on our list, is completely free to use, so if you’re stuck looking for the perfect word, give it a shot!

When looking for a better word, a simple thesaurus isn’t always enough. Words To Use is more than just a thesaurus because it helps you think of words as you write. The words are divided into parts of speech to allow you to create new product titles and descriptions for a variety of occasions. Choose a topic for your writing (for example, holidays) and then the type of word you require. Each topic contains words for verbs, nouns, adjectives, phrases, and other things.

Copywriting Examples

Copywriting Tools - Words to Use

Copywriting Examples is similar to your master swipe file in that it contains a large collection of copywriting samples to use while working. But it does not end there. Hover over each hand-picked sample to learn why it works so well. This way, you can both be inspired and learn at the same time.


Copywriting tools - grammarly

Grammarly Premium is one of the greatest copywriting tools for digital marketers who need to write content for ads or blog posts.

Grammarly Premium automatically examines your work for spelling and grammar, readability, conciseness, vocabulary, and even plagiarism to help you prevent duplicate content issues. If you write your material in the app, you can truly enhance your writing skills because you will receive real-time feedback on the quality of your work. Grammarly Premium has been chastised in the past for overlooking obvious errors, so make sure you check your work just in case.

Use the free Grammarly app, or upgrade to the Grammarly Premium subscription, which starts at $29.95 per month.

The Most Dangerous Writing App

Copywriting Tools - The most Dangerous writing app

You’ll adore this tool if you’re the type of person who works well under pressure. Once you start typing with The Most Dangerous Writing App, there is no stopping or turning back. It offers you a 5-minute time limit during which you can’t stop typing for more than 10 seconds or else everything will be lost. If you stop, your screen will blur and turn red, and the game will be ended. Don’t worry, you can export whatever you wrote up to that point, so it won’t be lost. But just knowing it will be might provide you with the motivation you need to start writing.

Written Kitten

Copywriting Tools - Written Kitten

If you’re not the type who thrives under pressure but like to be rewarded, Written? Kitten! is a much better option for you.
The idea is simple: start typing, and the site will reward you with a kitten photo after every 100 words. Not a fan of cats? Not a problem! Instead, you can view images of puppies or bunnies. Have fun writing!

The Writter

Copywriting Tools - The Writer

The Flesch-Kincaid reading ease score, the Gunning Fog score, and the SMOG index are also available. These three criteria are intended to aid in determining how easy it is to read a piece of writing. The Writer’s free online readability checker employs these three criteria to determine how readable your work is. Simply paste your text into the box, sign up (or provide your email address if you already have an account), and you’ll get the results. Just bear in mind that this program does not check for spelling errors, therefore you must do so yourself. The Writer team also recognizes that these scores don’t tell you everything and that you should take them with a grain of salt.


Copywriting Tools - Readable

Are you looking for a program that will check your spelling and grammar as well as your readability? Enter the term Readable. This tool will do it all, either in your browser or through API integration with your favorite CMS. It may also be used to validate files, documents, spreadsheets, and entire websites. It will tell you the readability, writing quality, and keyword density (no surprise there). It can even analyze your content’s tone and sentiment. Readable is really knowledgeable, but it comes at a cost. You can sample a demo for free and obtain a 7-day free trial, but it’s otherwise a subscription service with three plan options. However, if you make a living by writing long-form copy,

Answer the Public

Copywriting tools - answer the public

We utilize Answer the Public as a copywriting tool for blog posts and other forms of content marketing campaigns.

Answer the Public is a web-based research tool that assists marketers in identifying the most frequently asked questions about a given term, product, or service. Simply type a keyword into the search box, and you’ll be presented with rich visual representations of the questions that Google users are entering with your keyword. This makes it simple to write blog entries that answer real inquiries from your consumers or ad text that targets known pain spots among your prospective customers.

To get started for free, click the link above. You will be entitled to three free searches every day. You can also pay $99/month for unlimited searches if you subscribe to Pro.

Headline Analyzer

Copywriting Tools - Head analyser

A landing page’s headline, the title of a blog post, the subject of an email… You either nail it or they won’t click through, and you’ve lost them before they’ve even started reading the rest of the article. The headline analyzer on Sharethrough examines yours and assigns it a “Headline Quality Score,” which is made up of various components. Underneath the overall score, you may learn about your headline’s strengths and get advice on how to improve it. Sharethrough also offers engagement and impression scores, as well as data to assist you in improving them. The tool is absolutely free and extremely simple to use: simply type or paste your headline and click the button to immediately see the results.

EMV Headline Analyzer

Copywriting Tools - EMV

The EMV headline analyzer from the Advanced Marketing Institute evaluates your title’s “Emotional Marketing Value.” It suggests that they place a monetary value on the emotional impact your title will have on individuals who read it. When you submit your headline (which must be between 4 and 20 words long), you will be graded on a percentage basis. For example, “the English language contains around 20% EMV words,” and good writers often get a headline score of 30-40%. (In case you were wondering, this article’s headline achieved a score of 62.50%) The computer will classify your headline as cerebral, sympathetic, or spiritual in addition to the score.


Copywriting Tools - Convertize

There is almost always an opportunity for improvement in copywriting, no matter how brilliant you are. And how can you know whether you’ve made progress? Try it out!
A/B testing is essential for optimizing your copy’s conversion rates. So, even though it isn’t exactly focused on the writing aspect of copywriting, we couldn’t leave out an A/B testing tool. Convertize’s goal is to turn consumer psychology into digital marketing solutions, and it provides its users with various A/B testing and conversion optimization tools. They have solo and team plans, both of which are available for a 14-day free trial.


Copywriting tools - RhymeZone

RhymeZone is a library of rhyming phrases that copywriters can use to make their advertising copy more memorable and impactful.

Key Features: Marketers can type any phrase into the search field to receive a comprehensive list of rhyming terms categorized by syllable count. This can assist marketers in discovering rhymes or identifying catchy words to include in their advertising text.

RhymeZone is a completely free service; simply click the link above to get started.

Ink for All

Copywriting Tools - Ink for All

INK for All is a content optimization editor driven by AI that is great for fast-developing new articles. Alternatively, import existing material to learn how to improve it quickly. INK not only simplifies SEO; it also makes it enjoyable. It’s that simple: increase your content’s INK SEO Score to at least 91%, and it’ll be up to 450% more likely to rank in the top 10 Google results. Simply type in your keyword. Following that, INK’s AI will supply you with real-time data about your competitors and viewers. Check to spell, improve readability, add and compress photographs automatically, and easily upload articles to WordPress. A bevy of conversion-boosting tools is also included in the PRO version.


Copywriting Tools - Quillbot

QuillBot is an AI-powered EdTech writing platform with over 60 million users that provides free online writing and research tools to help people study and explain ideas effectively. QuillBot is ready to assist you with any stage of your writing process, including emails, essays, social media posts, and blogs. The platform provides productivity-enhancing tools such as the Paraphraser, Grammar Checker, Plagiarism Checker, Summarizer, and Citation Generator, which are used by leading institutions and writing centers worldwide.


Copywriting Tools - Thesaurus is a website where marketers can look for synonyms (alternative words with the same meaning) or antonyms (words having the opposite meaning) of any phrase they want.

Word choice is critical in copywriting for both communicating successfully and creating an emotional response from the target audience. Digital marketers can use a thesaurus to aid them with this in two ways:

Synonyms are various words that have the same meaning. Marketers might use synonyms to obtain the most vivid or stimulating form of a phrase that communicates the intended message. When writing advertising copy, this is a terrific method to strengthen your headlines and descriptions.
Antonyms – Putting a term next to its antonym creates contrast, which draws users’ attention and drives engagement.

This copywriting tool is absolutely free; simply click the link above to begin.

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